March 30, 2021

Resurrecting Retail: The Trailer

Few crises in modern history have so completely disrupted every aspect of daily life as the Covid-19 pandemic. Every market, industry, profession, service, and category of product was in some way rocked by its impact.
December 20, 2020

The Most Memorable Year We All Long to Forget

Bad retailers will never run out of customers. History suggests that there is always a segment of the consumer population willing to trade down if they believe they can save a dollar or two. Some retailers, like long-beleaguered J.C. Penney, have spent decades proving this thesis.
April 13, 2020

The Book I Had To Write

I’ve been working on a new book due out in the Spring of 2021. The book I initially planned to release was a look at the relationship between art and retail, aimed at helping savvy brands take the next essential steps toward building truly transformative experiences for their customers.
January 30, 2019

January 2019 – In Review

We kicked off 2019 at NRF in New York City where we met with retailers and brands eager to understand the challenges they’re up against.  We […]
March 11, 2016

The Future Is Bright

Little did we know, when we started Retail Prophet seven years ago, that we would be on the cusp of a retail revolution! Thanks so much […]
December 31, 2012

The Retail Revival Has Begun!

I’m happy to let you know that my new book, the Retail Revival: Reimagining Business For The New Age of Consumerism is now available for pre-order. […]
April 22, 2011

Victoria’s (and the garment industry’s) Secret

Doug Stephens Consumers are placing far more emphasis on corporate compassion and social responsibility as key drivers in their brand choices.  Yet some brands continue to […]