
October 31, 2012

Hey Amazon! Have I Got A Deal for You.

I know of a chain of electronics stores with over 1000 locations.  Right now, their share price is nose-diving, leadership is in disarray and the future […]
October 19, 2012

Are You the Rock or The Hard Place?

By Doug Stephens Doc Searls, a contributor to The Cluetrain Manifesto and author of The Intention Economy once said that choosing between wireless carriers is like […]
June 14, 2012

The Third Shelf

By Doug Stephens There have always been two “shelves” in retail. The first can be found in the retail store and is where the product is […]
May 11, 2012

What Amazon Wants

By Doug Stephens Internet retail behemoth Amazon has turned a dangerous eye toward the luxury apparel market.  Long regarded as more of a clearinghouse for commodity […]
April 28, 2012

Is the Company’s DNA Killing Your Brand?

By Doug Stephens In 1965 American sociologist Arthur L. Stinchcombe introduced theory around what came to be called organizational imprinting – that organizations tend to be […]
April 5, 2012

“Tweets for Treats” Must Die

By Doug Stephens It was only a matter of time before marketers developed a work-around to avoid the  heavy lifting of great social media. Companies like Amex […]
March 30, 2012

A Crisis of Confidence

Why Consumer Confidence deserves much less attention By Doug Stephens To say things have changed since 1967 is an understatement.  Much of the technology we take […]