social media

January 13, 2010

H&M Submits to Twitter Firestorm

One of my favorite quotes about social media is from noted social scientist and technology expert,Clay Shirky. It goes like this: “Tools don’t get socially interesting until they […]
November 25, 2009

6 Reasons Why Twitter Makes You a Better Marketer

By Doug Stephens There are many reasons why retailers should be incorporating Twitter into their marketing mix. One important thing that no one seems to be […]
October 20, 2009

3 Reasons Retailers Should NOT Use Social Media

If you believe a lot of what you see and hear about social media, you'd be left with the impression that it's something you can venture into free of costs and improvise as you go. Nothing could be further from the truth. Despite all the reasons that retailers should be considering social media, there are a few legitimate reasons that they might want to hold off at least temporarily.
June 24, 2009

5 Ways to Avoid an Anti-Social Media Campaign

When improperly approached, social media can be a lot like a bullhorn. Some companies and individuals, see social media as a means of amplifying their voice above the crowd and interrupting the dialogue only to further their own agenda. The results are often negative. Here are 5 tips to ensure your social media campaign doesn't become anti-social.